Patricia Green
Over a short period of time, Patricia Green has been acclaimed by audiences in Canada, the U.S., and abroad. Recent performances include Schoenberg’s Pierre Lunaire, the B Minor Mass by Bach, and the role of La Principessa in Puccini’s Suor Angelica. Appearances of this season include premieres of songs and one-act operas for the Garden Venture of the Royal Opera House in London, the role of Ruggiero in Handel’s Alcina in Toronto, a concert of chamber music by Berio on the Ars Viva series at Goucher College, and as soloist on the Walters Art Gallery Series of the Concert Artists of Baltimore. Highlights of her operatic career include Anne Boleyn in Saint SaĆ«ns’ Henry VIII, Adalgisa in Norma, and Second Lady in The Magic Flute. She has been heard on the CBC and Toronto’s CKLN.
Upcoming engagements are with the Laurel Oratorio Society, Baltimore Handel Choir, the Kennedy Center Chamber Players, the Bach-Elgar Choir (Hamilton, Ontario), and the Scotia Festival of Music (Halifax, Nova Scotia).
Sunday, May 2, 1993
- 1992-1993 Season
- Symphony Orchestra
- Conductor: Robert Black
- Works Performed:
- Featured Artists: Patricia Green Fernando Mancillas
- Venue: Shriver Hall
- Time: 3:00 pm More